網站簡介:New Tech Holdings International Ltd., founded in 2009, is a leading company in the Innovative Technologies Industry within Hong Kong. The company specializes in providing comprehensive solutions for Interactive Digital Signage Systems, which are widely deployed in various sectors such as Shopping Malls, Hotels, Hospitals, Properties, and Retail establishments. With a strong focus on cutting-edge technology, New Tech Holdings International Ltd. has established itself as a trusted provider in delivering state-of-the-art solutions to meet the evolving needs of its clients.
關鍵字:數碼看板, 商場指南, 禮賓服務部, 大堂, 數位白板, 資訊亭, 電子資訊亭, LED幕牆, 互動式顯示器, 客製化解決方案, 即插即用, 互動式廣告, 互動式資訊亭, 觸控螢幕, touchpro, 數位鏡子, 透明顯示器, 牆面投影, 地板投影, 平面設計, ui/ux 設計, 廣告機外殼設計, 廣告機外殼製作, 路徑搜尋系統, 數碼廣告機, 物聯網系統
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